Back to the blog
Slacked off in updating this blog, forgot about it, recently remembered it, so I'll be posting release and distro updates here as often as I get new stuff in. Thanks for everyones support for the first 10 months!
Since the last update, the Dilate flexi and Blockhead demo was released, the People Problem tape sold out and the Koszmar x-ray flexi is FINALLY at the plant after constant delays, I can't wait to tick that off my to-do list. I should have the Shackles and Gross tapes anytime in the next couple weeks, the Cum 7" is currently at the plant and art is being printed elsewhere, and The Submissives demo is at the plant, I'm just putting all the artwork together now so that should be done one of these days.
All releases are $4AUD, get in touch for wholesale/distribution!
Buy here;
Listen here;
Talk here;
Thanks again, feel free to get in touch if you want me to distro anything you got
PO Box 202
Tom Price, WA